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Skidmore College
Human Resources

Whistleblower Policy

Skidmore College has an ongoing obligation to members of the college community, to those with whom the college does business or otherwise interacts and to the public- at large to maintain the highest ethical standards. The college requires all members of the Skidmore community to comply with the law and with all college policies.
The college encourages members of the community to come forward in a timely manner with good-­faith reports or concerns about suspected compliance issues. Individuals are encouraged to submit such reports to their immediate supervisor or the appropriate department chairperson, program director, dean or other college official. Various college policies may specify certain reporting procedures.
Although the college encourages individuals to report concerns to their immediate supervisors, department heads, program directors, deans or other appropriate college officials, there are times when an individual may feel it is necessary to report a concern of wrongdoing outside of the traditional reporting mechanism. To address that situation, Skidmore has selected an independent firm to provide a way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may  involve improper conduct or violations of Skidmore policies. You may file a report by visiting or by telephone at 888‐828‐7002.

Upon submission of a report, the independent firm will promptly  forward the report, as appropriate, to the to the College Controller or to the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration/Director of Human Resources, who will confer as appropriate to determine a process for review and investigation including the Board of Trustees Audit Committee Chairperson. All reports will be investigated promptly and discreetly, receiving careful consideration with the objective of addressing any improper conduct or violation of college policy.

No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential violations of the law or Skidmore's policies, or for seeking guidance with respect to suspected violations. Any such retaliatory action taken shall be considered a violation of this policy and grounds for independent disciplinary action.

However, an employee shall not intentionally misuse the college's whistleblower policy. Intentional misuse includes, but is not limited to, frivolous claims, attempts to treat a personal grievance or personnel dispute as an allegation of wrongdoing, lack of good faith in invoking the policy, or any known false, malicious or misleading statements made at any time under the procedures of the policy. The investigator will report to Human Resources, the director of the applicable office of the employee and the President the identity of any employee who is believed to have intentionally misused the whistleblower policy. After appropriate review by these individuals, the employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Specific administrative entities or granting programs also may have specified lines of reporting for issues of misconduct or other violations of applicable policy. Information on such grant-­specific reporting procedures may be obtained by contacting the Office of Sponsored Research at 518-­580-­5177.

Skidmore College EMPLOYEE Policies & Procedures